One is a celebration of self, individuality and life. The importance of believing in, trusting and valuing yourself. It’s suitable for any and everyone - those who live alone and those in relationships.
A comforting, tactile book One is a beautifully layered collection of stories, quotes, reflections and evocative images about the power of choice. Its message is universal: accept who you are while exploring who you can be.
One can and has helped break an unhappy and/or stressful cycle. It’s a kind book that owners hold dear to their hearts. Another, an elegant woman who disclosed she was ‘80 something’, told me she had never eaten out alone before she read One and that ‘now having lent my copy to so many friends it is almost falling apart and they too are eating out on their own.’ She then added she had ‘just arrived back from Italy where I holidayed on my own for the first time and loved it…I would never have done either without your book.’
Because it’s a favourite book for many and people kept asking for it One was reprinted again ten years after its inception. It’s not uncommon for someone to buy a copy as a gift and another for themselves because they found it hard to part with.
In this second edition the cover varies from the first. The content remains the same.
‘Yes. Yes. Yes … Let your first encounter with this glorious volume be pictures only. Ideas. Possibilities. Then start digging into the wisdom… A manifesto which ‘twos’ and ‘threes’ and, so help me ‘tens’ can enjoy. And when ‘two’ must become ‘one’ some consolation is right here.’ Annabel Lawson - Country Style. January 2020
‘I gave my daughter-in-law’s mother One. Later that afternoon she she rang me to thank me and told me she had become so engrossed she missed her bus stop on the way home.’ - A.T.
‘I wore extra clothes on the plane so I could pack the one and only book I wanted to take with me when I moved to Shanghai’.
Murdoch Books
Published 2010
ISBN 9781741967807
Reprinted 2019
ISBN 9781760525453